Richterslaan 2
NL-3431 AK Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
phone : +31(0)30 60 35 640
fax : +31(0)30 63 00 333
e-mail: info@osict.com
NL-3431 AK Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
phone : +31(0)30 60 35 640
fax : +31(0)30 63 00 333
e-mail: info@osict.com
Download OpenIMS CE
Here you can download OpenIMS CE.
Minimal server specifications:
- Modern server / PC, with 2 GB RAM.
- Linux distribution (RedHat, Suse or other).
- Apache webserver.
- PHP4 or PHP5 development platform.
Download here: www.openims.com/install/ce/openimsce.zip OpenIMS CE.
The zip is packed with an auto-installer. Unpack the zip file in the root of the Apache webserver, rename .htaccess_basic to naar .htaccess, go to the mainpage and the installer will start.
For questions or help with the installer please contact us at ce@osict.com.
- OpenIMS CE installation instructions.
- OpenIMS CMS CE User manual.
- OpenIMS DMS CE User manual.
- OpenIMS CE functional-, en technical management manual.
ASM EuropeDocument Management for 'Top Secret' microproccesor manufactering documents.