NL-3431 AK Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
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e-mail: info@osict.com
Web Content Management
Web Content management is the controlled publication of a website. It can also encompass the management of dynamic website information available for user retrieval - the presentation of search results for example.
We feel strongly that content management is different from document management. The skill sets, techniques, knowledge, and resources needed to manage a website are substantially different from those needed to manage business documents.
Content Management is primarily concerned with website content - it is presentation, graphics design and formatting. The contents of a corporate website, for example, are most often an expression of the marketing and sales departments and represent a narrowly focused view of a company.
In contrast, Document Management is primarily concerned with the organization, processing, and safeguarding of large internal document sets. The skills required for this task involve business process analysis, and archival methodologies. And these managed documents span the enterprise and fuel the day-to-day operations of the company. Operations that most certainly happen out of sight of the public website visitors.
It is for this reason that we prefer to highlight the needs of both by maintaining their separate terminology. And certainly, if you are not tasked with managing website contents, why be forced to buy that functionality? We sell "pure" content management, document management and workflow systems. We speak your language. Of course, we recognize that interaction between websites and document repositories can be vitally important for certain organisations. OpenIMS supplies a rich set of modules to easily integrate secure access to your document repositories from your website and or intranet.
Healthcare: Sint Maartens ClinicSint Maartens Clinic is very proud on their Document Management solution.