NL-3431 AK Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
phone : +31(0)30 60 35 640
fax : +31(0)30 63 00 333
e-mail: info@osict.com
Open Information Management Server (OpenIMS) is a webserver based solution which can be used for managing and maintaining unstructured information such as documents, letters, faxes, minutes, drawings, e-mail, internet content and intranet content, within every organisation.
In fact OpenIMS is an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution that combines Web Content Management, Document Management and Workflow into a single web-enabled application. OpenIMS can be used to streamline processes and share electronic information between people and businesses.
OpenIMS consists out of five functional modules. These are:
- Document Management Server (DMS),
- Content Management Server (CMS),
- Portal Server (PS),
- Business Process Management Server (BPMS) and
- E-mail Management Server (EMS).
OpenIMS is Open Source technology based, easy to use, fast to learn, fast to implement, has powerfull functionality and high performance with low hardware requirements. It can be deployed from any hosting facility (internal or external) or from the Cloud. See also our license-, and maintenance pages.
In this section you can read more about the OpenIMS functionality.
Cofely GDF-SUEZ900 out of total 1700 Dutch professionals working for Cofely Zuid-Nederland work with OpenIMS.