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Digital transformation Efteling: one reality and one working method
Efteling was established in 1952 and in the following decades into one of the largest theme parks in Europe. There is a lot of organization involved. That organization is transforming, first and foremost its information systems.
Efteling and OpenSesame ICT are working together to realize a part of this transformation. First in the field of technical company information. ‘We want to work from one and the same reality’, says Frieke Hazendonk. She has been Head of Record Management and Business History at Efteling since 2014 and her eyes twinkle as she explains how archive and ICT support the organization. ‘We want to work efficiently and be even better in control of information. Both the technical and the historical information are crucial for Efteling, Hazendonk soon realized when she started.
‘Take our attraction Little Red Shoes. They have been dancing for decades, day in and day out. And all those beautiful, style-themed roller coasters. That is our identity, which we treasure. Which means you have to preserve all information about the attraction, on both development and technique, for an enormous lifetime.’
Information is used and supplemented on a daily basis and digitally managing that requires the proper toolbox. ‘That is why we have this toolbox of the employees develop with time.’
After an extensive selection process the chosen toolkit was the new central document management system OpenIMS (opens in new window). Hazendonk and colleagues formed a user team from IT, archiving and the workfloor. ‘Crucial, because digital transformation can only succeed if you bridge across boundaries of teams and departments and design the new system in cooperation.’
‘Employees want to test it themselves and work with it’, Hazendonk laughs with that same twinkle. ‘In the training stage, with fresh pilot users from seven different teams, all went smoothly. The button logic worked and the case studies provided recognition and immediately delivered new insights. At the end of April, we went live according to plan and budget. This brings us a huge step closer to our goal: one reality and one working method for all technical business information.’
About Efteling
Founded on 31 May 1952, Efteling has grown into a gigantic World of Wonders in 65 years. Anton Pieck in particular provided the fairytale atmosphere that characterizes Efteling and is cherished and guarded to this day. The World of Efteling is not limited to the theme park (opens in a new window), the golf park (opens in a new window) and the accommodation possibilities (opens in a new window) but is also expressed in events for the business market (opens in new window). Moreover, Efteling produces its own musicals and radio- and television programs.
About OpenSesame ICT
OpenSesame ICT is a Dutch software company that focuses on the creation of knowledge intensive business solutions based on Open Source technology. These solutions are known as OpenIMS and Sugar. With several projects on Content, Document, Knowledge, CRM and Workflow Management OpenSesame ICT has proven to deliver outstanding solutions for knowledge and information management. For more information please contact Mr. E. van Korven(Business Development Manager) bdm@osict.com or visit the websites www.osict.com and/or www.openims.com.