Richterslaan 2
NL - 3431 AK Nieuwegein The Netherlands
Phone : +31(0)30 60 35 640
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image: de woestijn - informatie op elke werkplek
Richterslaan 2
NL-3431 AK Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
phone : +31(0)30 60 35 640
fax : +31(0)30 63 00 333

Online knowledge base for GGD Hollands Noorden

OpenSesame has provided GGD Hollands Noorden with an online knowledge base in OpenIMS Content Management Server (CMS ). All knowledge and information concerning health of local inhabitants can be managed from within the Municipal Health Centre. Users from the various municipalities and health authorities can easily provide and update the information.

ggd_hollands_noorden_246Personalized Extranet
In a personal profile, an authorized visitor can record and manage relevant areas of interest, target groups and knowledge domains. On the homepage, the news, last changed pages and last revised publications are show that fit the personal profile of the visitor. For this modern AJAX (Web 2.0) technology was used to optimize interaction with the visitor.

The publication list is build based on the personal profile of the visitor. This gives the visitor just information (studies, reports, etc.) according to their own profile. Per page and / or document the user can determine whether his / her selection list should be included. This will be remembered when the visitor returns.

Advanced search 
In addition to the standard search function, the visitor can also search based on the personal profile. Results from the web will be returned, and from all relevant documents. Also, visitors can select and add the results to their own selection list.

About GGD Hollands Noorden
The Regional Health Service (GGD) Hollands Noorden, is the health service for 26 municipalities in northern Netherlands. The GGD monitors, protects and promotes the health of the population in the region.

About OpenSesame ICT
OpenSesame ICT is a Dutch software company that focuses on the creation of knowledge intensive business solutions based on the Open Source platform. These solutions are delivered under the name OpenIMS and SugarCRM. With several projects on Content, Document, Knowledge, CRM and Workflow Management OpenSesame ICT has proven to deliver outstanding solutions for knowledge and information management. For more information please contact Mr. E. van Korven (Business Development Manager) or visit the websites and/or



Cofely GDF-SUEZ900 out of total 1700 Dutch professionals working for Cofely Zuid-Nederland work with OpenIMS.

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