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The Netherlands
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Cofely GDF SUEZ enrolls OpenIMS in all of South Netherlands
900 out of total 1700 Dutch professionals working for Cofely Zuid-Nederland will work with OpenIMS. The technological service provider for industries in 2007 already implemented the DMS of OpenSesame ICT in the South-East region and unrolls it now throughout all of South-Netherlands.Hans van Ewijk manages the Document Management System and knows the benefits like no other: ,,The cost of failure are much lower in comparison to an environment with disk drives and heavy email traffic. In OpenIMS people never work in wrong versions of a document. This is not only financially but also legally of great importance for the organization.”
Further enrolling OpenIMS in the larger area was opportune because of the merger of four companies. ,,Their former four support departments now service the whole of the Southern Netherlands, within one structure and out of one vision. The South-East region was the precursor with OpenIMS, de other three regions did not have a DMS at their disposal. They will all have the same tools available, which will take some time to adjust. It’s not easy to change the way you work. To stop thinking in folders when searching and saving and to start thinking in metadata. Experience shows however that once they adjusted, they don’t want to change back.”
,,OpenIMS will primarily be used to manage projects and contracts. A calculator who worked mostly in the Maastricht area, now works throughout all of Southern Netherlands. A large benefit of OpenIMS DMS is that he can drive his car to Maastricht as he used to and work from there.”
About Cofely
Cofely is the main brand of GDF SUEZ Energy Services – one of six business units in GDF SUEZ, which is one of the largest energy suppliers worldwide. Its service envelops the complete energy chain of electricity and natural gas. The Group currently counts 138.200 employees worldwide en the annual turnover in 2012 97 billion euro. Cofely offers customers in Europe a unique combination of expertise in the feld of Energy Efficiency and other sustainable solutions: ranging from design and installation of local and renewable energy solutions to delivering integrated services. Cofely Zuid-Nederland has built up a leading position in the field of consulting, designing, realisation and service & management of building services and industrial installations within the disciplines mechanical en electrical engineering and automation.
About OpenSesame ICT
OpenSesame ICT is a Dutch software company that focuses on the creation of knowledge intensive business solutions based on the Open Source platform. These solutions are delivered under the name OpenIMS and SugarCRM. With several projects on Content, Document, Knowledge, CRM and Workflow Management OpenSesame ICT has proven to deliver outstanding solutions for knowledge and information management. For more information please contact Mr. E. van Korven(Business Development Manager) bdm@osict.com or visit the websites www.osict.com and/or www.openims.com.