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The Netherlands
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OpenSesame ICT proud partner of Liliane Fonds
Over 90.000 children in about 30 developing countries take part in daily life despite their handicap. That’s the difference Liliane Fonds makes. OpenSesame ICT is proud to support the good work of the 35-year old Liliane Fonds with het Document Management System.
Bas de Koning, responsible for the implementation of the DMS at Liliane Fonds, knows the importance of good documentation for the work like no other: ,,We have two main points of attention. Provide disabled children with an opportunity to participate in their troublesome living environment and raise awareness in organizations that social assistance is necessary, that these children fall behind. The accountability in the end lies in The Netherlands, but we work local, together with organizations in the child’s living environment.”
In 1976 Liliane Brekelmans-Gronert meets Agnes, a young Indonesian girl disabled by polio. She gives the girl 100 guilders to buy a sewing machine. For Agnes and her fellow orphans this offers an opportunity to build a life of their own. Four years later Liliane Fonds is founded. At present, 25 years later, 50 employees and 150 volunteers are the driving force of Liliane Fonds, together with well over 100 volunteers across the border. ,,Therefor the multilingual support of documentation OpenIMS offers, is an important feature to us. The quality of our documentation, video’s, itineraries and accountability documents is paramount in the many, various relations we maintain. With the government and tax authority, since we are a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI). With the quality label CBF, to whom we account for our work and with the trade organization, to which we contribute. Moreover, we are a transparent organization and just want to have our business in order.”
Documents spread across the globe
All those document fly across the world. From hand to hand, in suitcases, e-mails and USB sticks. ,,Back in 1980, when we started as a volunteer organization, no problem. But with 50 employees and over 250 volunteers in 29 countries, it’s different. You don’t want have documents spread across the globe not knowing where to find them when you need them. We want our people to be able to work in a professional manner, achieving their goals and enjoy their work. A DMS makes this a lot easier.”
,,A DMS saves a lot of time. Particularly the search function and version control, distribution and accessibility, also on tablets and smartphones. It prevents overlap of work and enhances the quality of communication, both internally as outward. And it certainly helps us save costs.”
Prevent obscurities
Consequently, Liliane Fonds more children benefit from the donations. OpenSesame ICT therefore offered Liliane Fonds her maximum CSR-discount (corporate social responsibility). ,,OpenSesame ICT is a pleasant partner and their bid and action plan were well detailed. Important to prevent obscurities at a later stage. All agreements are described in great detail. We favored OpenIMS DMS because it fits best to our logistical system, is complementary to it. The versioning is the most transparent in use and as I said earlier: the multilingual support is a big plus.”
About Liliane Fonds
Liliane Fonds contributes to a world that is open to everyone and in which disabled children can develop and deploy all of their talents too. Liliane Fonds is a humanitarian organization independent of any specific religion or ideology.For every child the amount Liliane Fonds spent on care is known. In about 30 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America agreements are reached with sound and competent organizations. Existing facilities in their neighborhood take care of the rehabilitation of the children. Under certain conditions Lilian Fonds also helps children to earn a living with (small) Income Generating Project, as it once started.
About OpenSesame ICT
OpenSesame ICT is a Dutch software company that focuses on the creation of knowledge intensive business solutions based on Open Source technology. These solutions are known as OpenIMS and Sugar. With several projects on Content, Document, Knowledge, CRM and Workflow Management OpenSesame ICT has proven to deliver outstanding solutions for knowledge and information management. For more information please contact Mr. E. van Korven(Business Development Manager) bdm@osict.com or visit the websites www.osict.com and/or www.openims.com.