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NL-3431 AK Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
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Mediant GGZ launches new website

In collaboration with Morskieft Designers (graphical design) OpenSesame ICT implemented a new Internet site for GGZ Mediant Mental Health ( The new site is based upon OpenIMS Content Management Server (CMS). With the OpenIMS platform GGZ Mediant was capable to realize and fill a new site in a very short time.

The new GGZ Mediant site aims to better reflect and profile the treatments they offer to the various centers and her clients. That means the general public such as clients, families, professionals, new employees and volunteers.

By means of content tagging a content editor can define relationships between content elements. With that a visitor can see lots of related content when looking at treatments, treatment centers, courses, vacancies and syndromes. In addition, the new site accesses a wide range of courses for professionals, family and clients.

The Trimbos Institute, an external content provider, provides all clinical descriptions and the associated symptoms. This external content is served to the new site in XML format, so information is always up to date. Also the syndromes are tagged by an editor and as a result, available as related content.

About Mediant Mental Health

GGZ Mediant is a Mental Health Care Institution in Twente and delivers basic mental health care and has specialized treatment programs. Qualified professionals ensure the quality of care given. GGZ Mediant also provides mental health knowlegde to professionals from external organizations. Service and hospitality are key. For more information, please visit

About OpenSesame ICT

OpenSesame ICT is a Dutch software company that focuses on the creation of knowledge intensive business solutions based on the Open Source platform. These solutions are delivered under the name OpenIMS and SugarCRM. With several projects on Content, Document, Knowledge, CRM and Workflow Management OpenSesame ICT has proven to deliver outstanding solutions for knowledge and information management. For more information please contact Mr. E. van Korven (Business Development Manager) or visit the websites and/or



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