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NL-3431 AK Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
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OpenSesame ICT signs NOiV manifest

March, 2010. Recently, a number of ICT vendors signed the "Manifest Open Standards for ICT Vendors". OpenSesame ICT also joined this initiative and signed the Manifest. The manifest was initiated by State Secretary Mr. Heemskerk from the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The Secretary of State wanted an acceleration in the results of the program Netherlands in Open Connection (NOiV). He wanted to identify concrete "breakthroughs" in open standards and open source software to achieve the objectives of the Action Plan EZ closer.

With this initiative OpenSesame ICT confirmed its focus on the use of Open Source and Open Standards in its IT projects and products such as OpenIMS and SugarCRM. Furthermore, OpenSesame ICT recently joined the Open Source Software Vendors Organization, also called OSSLO.

About NOiV
The NOiV program supports governments in implementing government policy on open standards and open source software, as defined in the plan Netherlands in Open Connection. The NOiV program was started in early 2008 by the the Ministries of Economic Affairs and Interior and Kingdom Relations under the auspices of Stichting ICTU. In 2009 the focus of the program was directed to ministries, provinces and local government. In addition, in 2010 the NOiV program also started its activities in the sectors health care and education. In 2010, the scope of the program will be extended to the social security sector. The (final) year 2011 will mainly be devoted to the securing of the program in the daily practice of the (semi-) public sector. For more information about the program please visit

The goal of OSSLO is to represent the commercial interests of the open source vendors to the government and general market place. The mission of the organization is "to increase the market share of open source software by the force of pre-competitive collaboration". For more about OSSLO information please visit

About OpenSesame ICT
OpenSesame ICT is a Dutch software company that focuses on the creation of knowledge intensive business solutions based on the Open Source platform. These solutions are delivered under the name OpenIMS and SugarCRM. With several projects on Content, Document, Knowledge, CRM and Workflow Management OpenSesame ICT has proven to deliver outstanding solutions for knowledge and information management. For more information please contact Mr. E. van Korven (Business Development Manager) or visit the websites and/or



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